Today was a forced day of rest. I was not able to eat all morning/ most of the afternoon because it was before my procedure. I couldn't even drink water. My appointment was at 2:30pm and so I tried to keep my mind off of it all day. Neck injections went well, I am really sore, but it should be bette by tomorrow so I can go back to working out.
Breakfast- Nothing
Late Lunch- Greek Salad from Old Chicago- chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, kalamata olives, artichoke hearts, and Feta cheese.
Snack- I caved and had some reese's hearts from the valentine's addition- 4 pieces
Dinner- Air popped popcorn and a black bean brownie
I was feeling pretty nauseous after my procedure so they gave me a sprite and some crackers. I am still going to do the no Wheat for this week and no sugar, but I allowed myself to cheat since I was hurting. We all are human, now I just got to jump back on the bandwagon tomorrow. Thanks everyone for your support!!
Love yourself always,
Corinne K.
Ohh.. hope you feel better soon! And what is a black bean brownie? Sounds interesting!