Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 14- Day of Rest :) Finally

Alright, so I achieved it. Not only did I go a week without eating sugar, but I took my before pictures... scary let me tell you. I will not post them until I get to my goal, that way there will be a big reveal :) Anyways today was as I am sure you can tell, a rest day. I just felt that two weeks of getting started was enough and that I needed to give my body a day of rest.

Breakfast- Had a string cheese and some celery and peanut butter. Tea and water this am instead of coffee. 

Lunch- Ate the Pecan apple chicken salad from wendy's the half portion. Alan and I went to lunch there and it was very yummy and we checked, better than the burger and fries I was craving. It felt good to make a good choice for myself. 

Here is a quick 5 minute stretch that I did today and boy did my muscles enjoy it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iY5V0xiiKw

Dinner- I made whole wheat pasta with fresh spinach, bacon, garlic, and diced tomatoes. It was delicious and definitely a good hearty meal. Look how pretty it was:

Alan and I were going to go get frozen yogurt, however we went up to blackhawk and had some fun and as a snack I had a clif bar and 5 spice drops :)... FYI sugar tastes WAAAYYY sweeter after a week without it :) Good luck everyone, it is back to the grind tomorrow!! Thanks for all the support! 

Love yourself Always, 

Corinne K. 

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